Gotta Love 'Em

Monday, November 19, 2007

Mock Patient Day

Today I was the operator for the mock patient day. I learned a bunch of stuff today. I learned that I need to be quicker on my probing. I spent about 35 minutes on that. I only completed scaling of two quads today. So overall I need to get the appointment process down better so I'm not wasting time thinking of what I'm supposed to be doing. Overall I thought I did pretty well. I was calm, kept good but short communication going, and operated eagle soft well. I also asked my patient how I did and she said she thought I was confident and she trusted me. So I think for now that's goo that my patients can trust me. Today was good. It makes me excited for the real patient day.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

PE and PSR

Today we learned the PSR Code. I like it a lot better than doing a pull mouth probe because if you have a healthy patient you don't have to record all pocket depths. That is so nice. I also passed of the air powder polish PE today. It wasn't too much fun. I don't like how I feel dirty afterwards. Monday is my mock patient day. I'm pretty nervous actually. I'm sure it will go over well, but it's weird to think that we are ready for an actually patient. I am going to do my best to pretent that the patient is a real patient.

Monday, November 12, 2007


Today was probably the funnest day for me. We did sealants and I really enjoyed it. I thought I did the skill pretty well too. I did four today and almost did three more. I love doing things that actually take some skill and know how. Wednesday I only have to pass off the walkout PE but I think I will do air powder polisher as well. I think we'll have enough time. I also want to do some more sealants and pass that PE off as well. I really like doing them, but later I probably won't find it as fun.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Air Powder Polish

Gross, Gross, Gross. I did not like that at all. The powder gets everywhere. I feel so dirty. I just have to go home to shower now. So today went well. I didn't feel completely comfortable with the air powder polish but it went okay. I'm glad that I did well on the post scaling PE. That was definately not the easiest skill to perform in front of instructors, but I did well. I just have to get a better angle on my distals.

Monday, November 5, 2007


Today we learned how to sharpen our instruments. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. The Arkansas stone is actually pretty smooth so I cuts quickly without a lot of pressure. I thought I would have to apply a lot of pressure, but that's not the case. We also learned how to use the ultrasonic. That doesn't take a lot of skill at all. It's actually pretty easy. I also practiced posterior scaling with the Barnhard and Columbia to get ready for Wednesday's PE. If I can just orient myself quickly before I do that PE I think I will do well. I think I'll still practice a little bit at home though.