Gotta Love 'Em

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Pedo Patient

Today was my first experience with a pedo patient. It was a 7 year old boy. He was perfect for my first experience too. He was well behaved, patient, and tolerant. I was able to get him all the way done, but just barely. He actually had an abcessed tooth so the doctor actually extracted it. He was scared but really brave. I need to learn to be quick for the next time I have a pedo patient because I feel like they won't all be as good as he was.

Monday, January 28, 2008

No Show

So tonight a winter blizzard blew in right before my clinic time. So I had a hunch that my patient might not show. Twenty minutes after the appointment I called her and she said she couldn't get out of the driveway. So it had to happen. I had my first no show. So I went to the library and talked to about 10 people about the clinic and one angel actually said she would come in TODAY. Oh my gosh. Lindsay saved me that day. Needless to say I didn't get her done but she is planning to come back in a month. I'm so glad because now I have her and my other patient. So in the end it actually worked out a lot better. That is if my no show comes in on her next appointment. Today made me learn to not get so discouraged with no shows!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Physician Consult

Yesterday I had a patient that needed a physician consult. It was pretty frustrating becuase I was aware of the procedures to take but didn't know all the details. Well anyway, I called the physician and he wasn't in the office and his nurse wouldn't be in for another hour. At that point it was 9:30. So if I actually got the consult faxed back I would still have to wait another hour before doing invasive treatment. So no teatment occured. However, I was still able to make good use of my time by doing x-rays, intra/extra oral exam, and charting existing dent. To add to my frustration the x-rays I took were horrible to say the least. Yeah, I think that's all I want to mention about that. So I was still able to get stuff done but not as far as I wanted to. At the end of the day despite all the problems, I was just happy that I kept my composure.

Monday, January 14, 2008

First Real Patient Day

I called today my first real patient day becuase it was a patient that I didn't know. Thanks to Emily (she charted for me) I was able to scale 2 quadrants. That was exciting. My first patient I only made it to the OD and this time I scaled 2 quads with taking 4 BWX and everything. I was really happy this that. I felt more confident today with my scaling to. So overall I was happy with what I did today. Except for the two retake xrays.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

First Patient Day

Today went well. At least I think so. I might have been not careful enough with my patient becuase she bleed a lot. However, I think a lot of that is attributed to the fact that she scrub brushes and hardly ever flosses. It took me an hour and five minutes to scale 4 quads. That isn't the best. I really need to pase myself. When I realized I was taking a long time then I started to pace myself and that's when I really made good use of my time. So I know from now on that I really need to constantly look at the clock so that time doesn't pass me by.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Back Again

Well I guess it is back to the grind again. Kandie is coming in on Wednesday. I'm glad it's her and not someone I know. I'm glad we were able to practice today our skills. It's helped me to be better prepared. On wednesday I want to work on finding and removing calculus. That's my goal. I want a good grade on my scale check and not have to redo it. Good Luck!