Gotta Love 'Em

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Physician Consult

Yesterday I had a patient that needed a physician consult. It was pretty frustrating becuase I was aware of the procedures to take but didn't know all the details. Well anyway, I called the physician and he wasn't in the office and his nurse wouldn't be in for another hour. At that point it was 9:30. So if I actually got the consult faxed back I would still have to wait another hour before doing invasive treatment. So no teatment occured. However, I was still able to make good use of my time by doing x-rays, intra/extra oral exam, and charting existing dent. To add to my frustration the x-rays I took were horrible to say the least. Yeah, I think that's all I want to mention about that. So I was still able to get stuff done but not as far as I wanted to. At the end of the day despite all the problems, I was just happy that I kept my composure.

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