Gotta Love 'Em

Monday, April 7, 2008

Class #

So I finished my class 3 today. It feels good to have that out of the way. It was fun to see chuncks of calculus come off the teeth. I even showed my pt one of the chuncks of calculus. It was heavily stained so it was easy for her to teeth. She thought it was a seed but I explained to her that it was calculus that I scaled off her teeth. It was fun to see her reaction, even though I don't think she completely believed me. I mean, this lady thinks her teeth are perfectly fine and healthy so I would do a lot to convince her anyway. All three of my next appointment I'm seeing my class 2's. My goal is to get them all done in one appt. I should because all their OD's are done except one and that's partially done. So hopefully everthing goes well. But for now it looks like I'll meet all my requirements. YEAH!

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